Our recommendations
We would be happy to help you. Please remember that our services are for businesses that provide payment services. We are not the customer service for the company with whom you have opened an account or from whom you have received a payment card.
If you have a problem with your payment account, please contact the customer support of the company where you got your payment card or your Treezor IBAN first before contacting us. We will respond to you within 10 days (this period can be extended to 35 days if further analysis is necessary in order to provide you with a comprehensive answer). You may also contact us by phone: +33 1 84 19 29 81.
You legally have the right to escalate your issue with a mediator (after having filed a claim with Treezor and after having received an answer from us).
Mediator contact information:
Médiateur de la Consommation de l’AFEPAME c/o WEBHELP GRAY – Zac de Gray – Impasse Clément Ader 70100 Gray – FRANCE