Definition of the SEPA Creditor Identifier

The SEPA Creditor Identifier is a unique and mandatory reference when concluding a SEPA Direct Debit mandate. It must appear in any direct debit application. Its main purpose is to allow each creditor, who may be located in any SEPA country, and their bank to know the precise identity of the issuer of the direct debit. This facilitates claims for reimbursement or action in the event of a complaint. The CSI is structured in 4 parts. Its length varies from country to country, but never exceeds 35 characters. It is composed of the following elements:

  • Digits 1 and 2: ISO country code (FR for France)
  • Numbers 3 and 4: 2 control numbers
  • Figures 5 to 7: Activity code that can be freely used by the creditor
  • Figures 8 to 28: National identifier. This is the NNE (National Issuer Number), 13 characters long in France, formerly used for national debits.
SEPA Creditor Identifier

How to obtain a SEPA Creditor Identifier?

To obtain an ICS, you can contact your bank directly or go through an approved and authorized institution such as Treezor.

ICS via Treezor

Treezor is an online payment solution approved by the CPAA and directly linked to the SEPA network. Among the services offered, Treezor enables SDD payments to be made throughout the SEPA zone via its platform. It is possible to use Treezor’s ICS for direct debits or, on request, to obtain a personalised ICS on behalf of the company. Treezor then takes care of the administrative procedures with the Banque de France by sending a slip and a Siren status report less than 3 months old (for companies that have one). The time required to obtain an ICS varies, it can take a few days or up to three weeks, in the case of a complete and accepted file.

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